four weeks between Monday, 21st of March to Friday, 15 of April (周一和周三下午2-5點,上課地點仙哲314室)
Bernard Stiegler (斯蒂格勒)的短期研究生課程,歡迎選修。
From German ideology to the Dialectics of nature Reading Marx and Engels in the age of the Anthropocene
This course will be dedicated to an interpretation of Marx’s and Engels’sphilosophy of technics in the light of
phenomenological (Husserl and Heidegger), post-phenomenological (Derrida, Simondon), anthropological
(Leroi-Gourhan,Merlin Donald) questions, and scientific questions, mainly thermodynamics andbiologyaccording to
theories of entropy and negentropy (Schrödinger).
The aim of the course is to reconsider the contemporary forms of capitalism inthe light of what will be described as
a general organology, itselfconstituting the political question of a “pharmacology” (in the derrideansense ofthe word
“pharmakon”). The Anthropocene is often apprehended as the transformation of anthropogenesisby the capitalist
industrial revolution.The process of automation provoked by the digitalization engage anacceleration that is now named
in americantheory of innovation "disruption" (see Clayton Christensen), and that we will try to consider according to
the concepts of Gestell and Ereignis interpreted with the help of Rudolf Bœhm’sanalysis.
這種加速在美國的革新理論中被命名為“中斷”。我們将運用格式塔、本源等概念(基于Rudolf Boehm的分析)來闡釋這一點。
Bibliography 書目
Marx and Engels, German ideology 《德意志意識形态》
Engels, Dialectic of nature 《自然辯證法》
Husserl, The origin of geometry 胡塞爾 《幾何學的起源》
Heidegger, Time and being 海德格爾 《存在與時間》
Heidegger, Identity and difference 海德格爾 《同一與差異》
Rudolf Bœhm, Pensée et technique (in french) 《關于技術的沉思》
Leroi-Gourhan, Gesture and speech 《手勢與語言》
Merlin Donald, Origin of the modern mind 《現代思想的起源》
Schrödinger, What is life ? 《生活是什麼》