
劉伯明短期講座教授Anthony J. Steinbock《現象學導論》課程開課預告



    安東尼·施坦因博克(Anthony Steinbock),國際知名現象學家。現任美國南伊利諾伊大學哲學系教授、系主任、現象學研究中心主任。他同時為澳大利亞天主教大學榮譽教授、《大陸哲學評論》主編、西北大學出版社“現象學與存在主義哲學學會”系列的總編。他的工作領域涵蓋現象學、社會存在論、美學與宗教哲學。出版著作包括:《并非贈與之事——從被給予性到愛》(It’s Not about the Gift: From Givenness to Loving),2018;《界限現象與胡塞爾現象學》(Limit-Phenomena and Phenomenology in Husserl ),2017;《道德情感——重獲心的明證性》(Moral Emotions: Reclaiming the Evidence of the Heart ),2014,Symposium Book獎勵,2015;《現象學與神秘主義——宗教體驗之縱貫性》(Phenomenology and Mysticism: The Verticality of Religious Experience),2007/2009,Edward Goodwin Ballard現象學圖書獎,2009;《家園及其之上——胡塞爾之後的世代生成現象學》(Home and Beyond: Generative Phenomenology after Husserl),1995。他也是胡塞爾《被動與主動綜合分析——先驗邏輯講座》(2011)的英譯者。




主 講人 :Anthony J. Steinbock


1. 胡塞爾《笛卡爾沉思與巴黎講演》中的“第五沉思”;

2. 舍勒《人在宇宙中的位置》;


4. 梅羅龐蒂《知覺現象學》中的“導言”以及《知覺的首要性》

Theme: “Key Insights in the History of Phenomenology: the Other”

I. Edmund Husserl

1. Introduction to phenomenology  

2. Introduction to Husserl and the early theory of intersubjectivity

  • Discussion

3. The concept of the lifeworld

4. Homeworld and alienworld, generative phenomenology

  • Discussion

II. Max Scheler

1. Introduction to Scheler and the meaning of his phenomenology

2. Emotions and their distinctive structure of evidence

  • Discussion

3. Emotional ground of solidarity and personalism

4. Philosophical anthropology and the depth of experience

  • Discussion

III. Maurice Merleau-Ponty

1. Introduction to Merleau-Ponty and his phenomenology of perception

2. Bodily existence or perception as transcendence

  • Discussion

3. Constitution of intercorporeality and reversibility of the flesh

4. Founding levels of intersubjectivity and history

  • Discussion

IV. Emmanuel Levinas

1. Introduction to Levinas and Levinas as phenomenologist

2. Different modes of givenness in Levinas’ phenomenology

  • Discussion

3. The Other as other, as death, as the feminine

4. The Other as Transcendence, as child, as we, as God

  • Discussion

